Sunday, August 21, 2011

a day in the life

sundays on the lawn at weaver street. must be a wonderful life :)
it was a last minute decision to head out to weaver to get something to drink and just lay on the lawn and read. we didn't get too much reading done but we did get tons of snuggles and some time to just sit and enjoy our boys. these two girls (probably about 22 years old) walked past and almost shouted and squealed - they commented on how awkward they themselves were and apologized for seeming creepy but also said that our family was quite possibly the cutest most wonderful thing they had ever seen.
it's always nice when people stop to stare because they think our family is wonderful instead of stoping to stare because they can't quite figure out our family.

as summer turns to fall (or at least i hope summer will turn to fall) we will take more time to spend outside just relaxing - we can go for hikes in duke forrest with Ty and enjoy being outside and just enjoy being a family.
there is something about the faces of these boys that is just the most incredible thing
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