Wednesday, June 26, 2013


sweet boys,
today i am proud to live in this country and proud to have been a part of something amazing. today the Supreme Court struck down something called the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). this is something you may only read about in your history books and i am so thankful for that. this law stated that your mom and i were legally denied federal rights as a couple - this law made it possible for our marriage to be overlooked and looked upon as less than a marriage between and man and a woman. today that is different. today, in a few states around the country, your mom and i are legally married in both the eyes of the state and the federal government.
you may think this is silly because when you're old enough to understand this, today will be old will be history...but today we made history and for the first time, the federal government stood up for your family! for your rights to me as your non-biological mama! it's a pretty awesome day my loves!

" humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives."

Sunday, June 16, 2013

happy father's day

to my daddy...who taught me so much about being a partner and a parent...who did my hair every morning so that my mom could work early and be home early with us...who came to every ballet recital and violin concert and was prouder than any other parent in the place...i always knew he was there because i could hear him cough or clear his throat...apparently i now do the same thing...
my dad traveled a lot but it never changed how appreciative we were of him...we knew the value of the work he does and knew that even when work had to come first it wasn't because he didn't want to put us first. he took us to france and israel on work related adventures...and took us to the beach and seattle and vancouver just for fun...
he hung out in a hotel room and helped me with my algebra homework during hurricane fran...he held my hand when we went to see my mom in the hospital when she was sick...and he let me help out around the house when he needed surgery on his back.
my dad has taught me a great deal about being a strong and supportive partner as well as a strong and loving parent...
he is the best poppie my kids will ever know! they love their poppie so much and always giggle when he goes to kiss them with his scratchy beard...

today for lunch we had tuna and popcorn which was my family's sunday afternoon, daddy made meal...

here's to you poppie